uAlpha Massage Chair

A Healing Touch for the Entire Family.

The Intelligent Physio-Therapeutic Massage Chair

Our massage chair boasts a state-of-the-art health screening module that tailors the perfect massage program for your unique needs, taking into account of what your body needs to achieve the ultimate relaxation.

Intelligently Collects Vital Health Metrics

This pre-massage evaluation is more than just a warm-up; it’s the uAlpha’s way of customizing your experience to address your unique body needs.

The collected vital stats encompass a wide range of indicators such as blood oxygen levels and HRV (Heart Rate Variability). These metrics collectively provide a thorough snapshot of your physical well-being.

The uAlpha Massage Chair leverages the data derived from these vital stats to generate a personalized massage program tailored precisely to your body’s unique requirements. In essence, it customizes your massage experience with a level of precision that responds to your specific needs at that particular moment.

6 Techniques with 8 Professional Massage Programs

Meeting the Massage Needs of Every Family Member

Discover a tailored wellness experience for every member of your family with uAlpha’s versatile range of 8 auto programs.

Whether you desire intelligent, personalized massages, invigorating body stretches, a serene path to peaceful sleep, or a targeted session for meridian alignment, uAlpha has a program to suit your needs.

Our daily spa, elderly care, and deep tissue programs guarantee that each family member’s unique requirements are met, offering a comprehensive and personalized massage experience. With uAlpha, your family’s well-being is our priority, and ultimate comfort is just a selection away. 

Indulge in Total Relaxation

Improve Sleep Quality with the Ultimate Foot Massage

uAlpha provides a complete foot massage that includes airbag massage on both sides of the legs, calf airbag pressure, barefoot airbag pressure, and targeted Yong Quan Acupoint pressure.

Stimulating the Yong Quan Acupoint enhances relaxation, reduces stress, and promotes overall well-being. Whether you seek relief from tired feet or simply want to indulge in a luxurious moment of relaxation, our uAlpha massage chair ensures that your feet receive the care and attention they deserve.

*Foot rest unit can be extended by a maximum of 16cm to suit taller individual

Recharge Your Body and Mind

Reduce Stress and Muscle Tension

The intelligent temperature control, on the other hand, complements this process beautifully. It ensures that the heat applied is precisely calibrated to be comforting and soothing, easing muscle tension while providing a comforting cocoon of warmth.

Optimal Comfort with Wide Coverage Area

Effective Ergonomic Massage

The uAlpha massage chair is equipped with an advanced 126cm SL 4-curved massage rail that is designed to perfectly conform to the natural curvature of your spine.

The curved design of the massage rails ensures that the massage rollers maintain close contact with the user’s body throughout the massage. This alignment provides a more precise massage, targeting acupressure points and muscle groups with greater accuracy.


The uAlpha Massage Chair is an ideal choice for the health conscious individuals who values space efficiency in their homes.

Its space-saving design allows users to enjoy the benefits of a full-body massage without sacrificing valuable living space. Furthermore, the chair’s ergonomic structure is optimized for both functionality and space conservation, making it a practical addition to any Singaporean home.

With the uAlpha Massage Chair, you can experience luxurious relaxation without compromising on space.


Been looking for a massage chair that caters to both me and my wife's needs...

George was super friendly and well informed. Truly thankful to him as now we understand better in knowing which massage chair fits us.

Molyadi Bohari

We had a great experience at Zero Healthcare.

Thank you Kenny for guiding us in getting our very first precise massage chair! The process was very easy and smooth sailing... Thank you!

Rose Yus

Had a wonderful experience during the trial. Well served by Kenny and enjoying the massage chairs.

Finally decided to choose the UR7 super series…

Gary Cheong

After trying all other brands like Ste*** and Emp**** I still prefer with Zero because they have most variety massage chairs and Zero equipped with most knowledgeable and experienced explanation! Thanks to #georgezero and #zerohealthcaresg

Merina Chia



The Intelligent Physio-Therapeutic Massage Chair

Original price was: $4,390.00.Current price is: $2,990.00.

Free Delivery & Installation

2 Year Warranty

Credit Card Payment

0% Interest up to 12 Months

Instalment Plans

3 months (no min.) or 6 months (Min. $1,000)


3 months (no min.) or 6/12 months (Min. $1,000)

Need more payment options? WhatsApp us @ 8818 8626